gonna make a thread of men I thought were tall but then google told me they were short ok lets go
Jason Schwartzman (5'6) - okay this one fucked me up. idk why i always expected him to be like 6'2 or some shit he just has the face of a tall person. like just LOOK at that second photo what the fuck
Beck (5'7) - I don't even listen to his music like that like I expected him to be a tall indie man. then I see that pic of Taylor Swift crouching down on his level and I have to scream + shoutout to David Benjamin Sherry who took that green pic of him, one of my fave photogs
Jesse Eisenberg (5'7) - does he still make movies or whatever like what happened to him... anyway I blame me not knowing on him being skinny and having the proportions of a tall person but shrunken down. also i need that outfit he's wearing in the b&w photo thanks
Gael Garcia Bernal (5'6) - this isn't actually surprising I just wanted to add him because he's mexican and i love him also just look at that photo of Diego Luna lifting him. amazing.
Joaquin Phoenix (5'8) - can't believe i watched all of joker and never realized that the whole time he was mad was actually because he's short... only included one current pic because i rather remember him as how he looked during his 1997 prada campaign. delicious.
I’m allowed to say all this because I’m short ok bye ALSO the cutoff for short kings is 5’8 anyone taller can fuck off idc what anyone has to say about thaT
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