For Peter Capaldi's birthday, here's a thread of different clips of him he has done for charities during the years. Because this man is a sun.


Cancer Talk Week (2009)
Happy Christmas from Operation Smile (UK) 2013

Peter Capaldi wishing it's good2give a happy 5th birthday
Peter Capaldi's message for it's good2give
The Celebrities Speak Out for Junior Doctors (2016)
Peter Capaldi's segment
Peter Capaldi meets Syrian refugees (link to the youtube video because Twitter only allows 2.20 minutes)
Peter Capaldi asks you to support refugees in 2016
Sport Relief - Peter Capaldi visits Jordan (2016)
Peter Capaldi appeal to help Secondary1st
Another appeal for it's good2give
Children in Need (2017) Rickshaw Challenge
Peter Capaldi's appeal to Cash for Kids in Christmas 2017
Peter Capaldi has credited the Citizens Theatre in Glasgow (2018)
Peter Capaldi presented a cheque to fund research for Secondary1st (2018)
Peter Capaldi urges the public to get behind Coram's crowdfunding campaign
Peter Capaldi's appeal for CHAS for people to wear a geeky T-shirt and make money for them
Peter Capaldi describes the work of InterAct Stroke Support (2019)
Finally, the last one: Peter Capaldi supports Noah's Ark Children's Hospice (2020)
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