span final exam tmr and i decided to binge another drama in two days 🤭🤭 abit heavy but super healing and reflection worthy 💯💯 proud of taiwan again, hope to see more drama like this that can bring positive change to the society 🥰🥰 thank you, the world between us team 👍👍
one of the best thing about this drama is that it’s short and not slow (only 10 eps, each less than an hour) 🤩🤩 fully packed that i don’t need to hit the skip button, perfect length 👌👌
altho ive cried more extreme for other drama, this one made me cry the most in terms of frequency 😭😭 perfect cast with the way they present each point of view and their struggle: victims, perpetrator’s family, media, psychologists, fam member of those with mental disorder 🥺🥺
they did so well exploring themes that are relevant to our society including mental health, ethics of journalism, netizens, legal system, marriage, family, grief, coping, the grey areas of morality and justice; this might be the MOST meaningful drama ive watched in my life 🙇‍♀️🙇‍♀️
when i watch news about serial killer or random shooters, i used to wonder why their parent didn’t give them more love, why their teacher didn’t pay more attention, why their friend didn’t stop them...

but after watching the world between us, this drama has changed me...

「民主法治是用來討好人民,討好媒體的嗎? 一個民主法治國家,要靠殺人才可以撫慰人心,保障我們的安全,這太荒謬了。」


- he deserves the award ugh
- had to replay to digest all the wise word in this scene
「這世界上有兩種假的正義: 用自己的罪懲罰別人、用別人的罪懲罰自己」

- best character development
- cried for many of her scene
- she’s so pretty ahh

- so proud of her, she improved so much ㅠㅠ
- cried for most of her parts, rlly want to give her a hug

- they did do well portraying the difficulty of marriage and coping with loss
- they inspired me to become a marriage counselor or those who help the kid overcome this phase

- as a psyc major, i lost it this scene
- he deserves everything for this role bruh
- this drama reminded me again, im not ready...
that’s a wrap to this thread!! the chinese title of “the world between us” is 我們與惡的距; literally translate to “our distance with the evil” 😇😈

this is to remind us that in reality, our distance from evil is never fixed, no one is truly good no one is truly bad 🌤🌤
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