I also just get really nervous when I’m dating like I wanna FaceTime but what if I’m boring and the conversation doesn’t flow or what if they’re like in the mood for smth and it’s my first time, I’d be too nervous to say anything. Or what if I’m not good
Enough like what if I’m too fat or I whine too much or I don’t whine enough. What if they don’t think I’m good. But what about the things I like to do will they think I only like certain things about them because I like kpop or that I don’t like certain
Things about them because I like kpop. What if they don’t appreciate bts at all but I don’t have the kind of options to just throw people away like that. What if I get insecure and they don’t like that I want time for myself. What if they get aggressive
Because I don’t wanna send nudes or I don’t respond sometimes because I need a lot of mental health breaks. I’m sorry about anyone who reads this. I also apologize to anyone in the future who wants to date me, this is what I’m like it okay to not like me
Pt.2 (sorry) what if I’m too clingy and they think I’m annoying. Sometimes people don’t really respond to my texts and I don’t know if it’s because they don’t like me or they’re busy but I never find out because I don’t wanna bother anyone
But I also wanna talk all day and do normal life stuff while still on the phone. I wanna tell my mom about them. But what if my mental health gets bad? I don’t wanna go on meds but I don’t like being alone like this
Should I warn them about some mental problems that I have before they start dating me like I’ve done before ? But most just ignore it and do exactly what I asked them not to. What if I just end up scaring them off and they think I’m weird or insane?
Would they want to go on dates with me? Where would we go? Would they be okay with the fact that I get a little shy and nervous so I wouldn’t be very talkative at first? Can they hold a conversation? Would they get upset that I’m not very good at talking?
I stutter sometimes. Would that be annoying ? Does anyone ever like me or just like the thought of dating me. I wonder if anyone likes me right now. I wonder what my future/forever s.o. Is doing right now. Do they know who I am? Do they like me or hate me ?
Where’s my soulmate? Everyone has one but what if I don’t ? Maybe I’ll never find someone who loves me and that’s okay I guess it kinda sucks but I’ll be okay right ?
I’m really scared about sex. Like what if I regret who I have my first time with? What if they’re just using me? How would I know who to trust with something like that ? Will it be a long time before I lose it ? Maybe I never will :(
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