Ok, but when you're with someone in a long term relationship- they often start out as a complete stranger.

Then they become a friend and from that you get to lover.

Ultimately, they still started out as a stranger, strip everything away and the feeling is weird.
Not only did you suddenly decide to share resources, they did and both your families did too in the way of gifts etc.

Yet again strip away all the other stuff and it's weird. Like your life is shared with a rando and because of that you, your fam, them and their fam share shit.
This all probs sounds stupid but if we habe more in a relationship. Why is it hard to share with other strangers? Sure your lover and your genetics might live on via another tiny stranger but the sharing and mutual trust of others is vital for the tiny stranger is required,
so they can grow up as unharmed as possible.

So, why wouldn't everyone want to share? Even if you didn't/can't have a tiny stranger, it benefits you to participate in communal sharing and trust so you can access greater resources.
It also helps tiny strangers see how to share, trust, be kind and compassionate. These are all qualities we desire in ourselves and in others but we're too tide up in what's yours is yours and what's mine is mine.

Whether your in a relationship or not
Imagine you're in the ideal relationship.

What if everything was done on purely transactional terms. You're out of cash, need food but you need to do something for your partner to access resources. Seems a shitty way to conduct a relationship. A list of quit pro quoes.
That's what we got in society right now. People with nothing or not enough and others with more. The list of quit pro quoes are time sheets and bank statements.

Why do we accept stuff in society that we don't in our intimate relationships?
The whole point of this thread is that socialism/communism is preferably in intimate relationships compared to capitalism. So why us capitalism better for us in societal relationships? It isn' - we still desire kindness, compassion and trust. Socialism = social society = ?
social norms. If we all share desires those are by nature normative.

Capitalism doesn't come close to social, social norms or society. It's about individualism and leader boards, winners and losers. Greed, deception and hate.
If you agree with this logic you're a liberal commi. If you disagree you're a capitalist pig. Only one of these statements is offensive to you. Ask yourself why that might be...
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