I just bought a Lady Lovely Locks doll party outfit off eBay because I like the illustration on the box it comes in.

No, I do not have a Lady Lovely Locks doll. I don't want one, either. I don't really like dolls?


I just.

This makes me happy.
I do remember I had this doll outfit in the 80s, though. I remember struggling to get Lady Lovely Locks' legs into the little tights and slipping her shoes on her tiny little feet.
Matt asked me what I'm going to do with this boxed party dress for a doll I don't have and I looked at him like he was an idiot and said "Cherish it."
I'm tempted to play it off like "Oh, haha, it's the pandemic, we need to snatch joy where we can!" but I woulda wanted this just as much if I hadn't been in quarantine for the last four weeks. There is no timeline in which some version of me did not buy this boxed doll dress.
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