- The United States is no longer the world leader.

- China won World War III without firing a missile and no one noticed it.

- Prevention saves more lives than acting at the last moment.
- Healthcare workers are worth more than a CEO with a severance package.

- Oil is worthless in a society without consumption.

- Death does not distinguish race, color or social status.

- Social media brings us together, but it's also a way to create panic.
-We now know how animals feel in zoos.

- We are beginning to appreciate the great gesture of confidence of shaking hands.

- The planet regenerates quickly without humans.

- We are not ready for a pandemic.
-We need to invest more in health rather than investing in bankrupt banks.

- Vatican money stays in the Vatican.

- Alcohol (on hands) saves lives

- A consumer product can quickly go from “prohibited” to “essential” (eg cannabis).
-It is better to buy a house with a courtyard than an apartment.

- Our elders need us.

- At the end of this pandemic the world will change.

- Digital is not real life, human contact is necessary.

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