small musings -

it is true that both anarchists and ML[M]s are communists.

the key difference is in approach.
anarchists (in theory) aim for the establishment of an ideal society immediately and fill in the resulting gaps as they go.

ML[M]s start with the society as it is now and work towards the ideal society.
thus, we will see criticisms from anarchists for existing and historic societies not being progressive enough, or being too authoritarian.

and criticisms from ML[M]s take the flavor of accusing anarchists of being naive or under prepared.
*socialist societies

this thread was born because I'm at least slightly irate that queerness has been (once again) tokenized for attacking the USSR.

as if it was unique in the world at the time in suppressing queer folks.

as if the root cause of that suppression was MLism.
You can follow @queertypes.
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