the role of CGI in new movies is to take the fantastic, the impossible, the other-worldly, and make them appear mundane and common for "realism." (images from THX 1138)
the director then depends on complex, overly generated back drops to drive the cinematography. just use a wide angle lens to capture everything in scenes overpacked with drama and complexity. and use extreme close ups to carry any emotion
there's no building new worlds when everything has to be limited to being direct extensions of own. or when instead of fiction we only create speculation.
and this is largely due to fan demand. when directors are more focused on creating complex fan theories and easter eggs, because we misunderstand what world building means.
not by creating "realism", by trying to render the fantastic mundane, or by over explaining or creating the expectation that everything will be laid out simply for you. and not even by trying to tackle the totality of an entire world even
it's through wonder, by doing everything to not be tied to extensions of our current world. by invoking curiosity into what could exist, creating aspirations, hopes, a world for the viewer to fill, not to study
one last screenshot
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