⬇️ non-specialist books on science written by women ⬇️

1. Lisa Randall - "Warped Passages” - quantum mechanics, particle physics, string theory, relativity

2. Dava Sobel - “Longitude" - 18th century clockmaker who made a tool to measure longitude at sea
3. Dava Sobel - "Galileo’s Daughter: A Historical Memoir of Science, Faith, and Love"

4. Gillian Turner - "North Pole South Pole: The Epic Quest to Solve the Great Mystery of Earth’s Magnetism"
5. Gabrielle Walker - "Snowball Earth: The Story of the Great Global Catastrophe that Spawned Life as We Know it"

6. Rebecca Skloot - "The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks" - racism and ethics in medical research
7. Angela Saini - "Geek Nation: How Indian Science is Taking Over the World"

8. Sabine Hessenfelder - "Lost in Math: How Beauty Leads Physics Astray” - commentary on how the field of physics followed beauty to great math but poor physics
recs from various people for @edosianorchid with the caveat that i haven't read most of them myself 😆 hope you find something you like in here!
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