My wish-list for #Charmed S3 (a thread) 💗
- A prominent storyline for Mel, where she takes the lead in protecting the magical community.
- Abigael gone or acknowledging all the horrible stuff she has done.
- #hacy angst resolved. Hacy as a healthy couple...
- Storyline’s that deal with race and social issues.
- The sisters recreating the BOS.
- Harry taking a step back so the sisters feature more prominently.
- Maggie going back to college.
- Macy returning to her science career.
- Lucy making a cameo or returning...
- Wacky magical artifact adventures with Ray.
- Lee returns and becomes a formidable foe.
- An episode where they have to return to Hilltowne for a mission.
- Jordan continues to aid the sisters.
- Jada returns (if only briefly).
You can follow @flywitchesfly.
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