I wonder if at the end of End Game when cap went back in time to live with Peggy if he told her that he was frozen for 75 years and spent a few years fighting robots, aliens, hydra-shield and gods and then decided to travel back in time to live with her.
Also did he go straight to her when got back or immediately go rescue Bucky who at the time was still a mind controlled hydra assassin?
And even before that how was the reunion w/ Red Skull on Vormir? Could he exchange the soul stone to get Black Widow's life back? Probably not but it's work a shot.
So...since Cap had to put the stones back where he got them at the exact same time they were taken did he have to inject the reality stone back into Jane? How the hell did he pull that off?
I really wanna know what Cap's conversation with the ancient one was like when he returned the time stone. If she knew he wasn't going back and warned him of the dangers of that move and if he ignored them? That's one way to start off a Disney plus cap series.
I mean cap returning the stones is a great Disney plus idea in itself. What if it took way longer than we think it did? Like what if when he went to return the power stone on Morag he saw Star Lord about to get ambushed and cap being cap decided to help. Whole new timeline...
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