🐉 Channeled Message 🐉

Yet another message regarding COVID-19. There is a lot of misinformation and deceit surrounding the severity and impact of this virus and its growing momentum so we encourage you to please stay away from well-established news networks.
They only serve to continue trapping you in fear, productivity and consumerism. You are still just a sorry laborer and a mindless consumer with nothing to contribute but your hard earned measly wage into the machinery of deceit and corruption. We say, NO MORE. Are ye not tired?
Are ye not aghast and ashamed? Are ye not done pretending your governmental entities can do anything to truly govern anything at all besides their own best interests?

There is a great opportunity for change and the virus will not be the only element and variable used to halt
the world. The weather will quickly be revolting too, growing intense and bringing new questions. Why is it raining so tremendously in the deserts? What treasures and secrets will be unearthed there when the torrential rains are through?
And when the Earth shakes unexpectedly and cracks in its surface slice clean through buildings of enterprise, whom will be important then? Be warned that this is not yet over nor has it even begun. Be patient. Be discerning. Hold fast to your values and Faith above all.
Hold your spiritual practices with consistency and reverence. They will keep you safe, calm and whole as the restructuring continues to exacerbate the existing conditions. Be appalled and be rebellious. A small number of elites cannot punish nor come after the All. Much less the
unseen. Stay firm and stay positive. This is not meant to scare you. It is meant to alleviate you. Never before (in concious memory) has support ever been so fervently dispatched to your kind. Even the weather will cooperate with higher Will and Putpose. Man will be liberated
And it may not always go calmly, but the systems of old will go THOROUGHLY. You might be asking, "what can I do to prepare? How can I help and live through this?"

Know that ye are not forsaken. If thou hearts are true, light and open to receiving newer truths and purpose
then ye will be looked upon as precious, recognized for your worth and inspiration to answer for thyself and thy neighbor too. Stay open to us, please. Regardless of circumstance. Stay here. Stay grounded. Stay praying.

Destruction can be a great friend.
Especially when it gives way to something new, something wonderful, something SUSTAINABLE in which all can win without winning coming at the expense of another sentient being. Trust this process. Trust there is help available and trust that the right guidance,
instruction, support and resources are being distributed equally among all who have self selected as doulas, guides, teachers and gurus. You are in capable hands because these hands are your own. And they are the hands of friends, of family, of communities.
Pay your guides, your teachers, your gurus. Pay into your communities, your resources. Do not give a single dollar to a big corporation if you can absolutely help it. Give it to the little guy. This is the one to survive after all is said and done. Be happy!
Nice guys finally win. Little guys finally have an opportunity to work independently, free of limitation, pursuing His passion and still living a life of comfort and dignity. What a life! What a joyous occasion! Stay grounded in this vision.
Your children will be educated in newer, better ways. Ways that encourage the development of their natural skill sets rather than labeling them failures prematurely against a blanket statement of imaginary standards and protocol. Their dreams won't be ridiculed anymore.
Teach one another. Hold on another. Guru, keep silent at this time and observe. Learn more. See where you fit in next and become of helpful service. Student, keep silent and listen to what is revealed. Do not sweep Truth under the rug no matter how inconvenient it seems.
STAY ALERT. Stay mindful and trust us. We know what we are doing and you are being called upon to do it with us. Your individual contribution is being revealed now and will be further developed in the next few days. You are expected to begin implementing your specific ideas
by the end of April. Chop, chop. Get moving. There is much to do yet to do it, to receive this answer, this specific purpose you must first LISTEN. And to Listen you must stop talking, stop thinking and simply observe. Observe your environment, life, relationships, identities.
It is in this silent contemplation that epiphany and clarity strikes. Slow down, silence yourself. Receive your answer and move to bring it to action and form like your life depends on it. Be urgent and ardent about bringing your contribution to Light for others to enjoy.
Make it your business to be dilligent. Enjoy your days of rest and contemplation for now. The speed and urgency quickens and intensifies over the next coming days. Stay alert to it All.

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