Women cannot relate to the male lived experience. They simply dismiss it as nonsense should hearing it affront them. It is for this reason they'll mislead you, and why with even the best of intentions, you should not take advice from them on "how to be a man" - they have no idea. https://twitter.com/TellYourSonThis/status/1249798816485847043
A woman's idea of "optimal masculinity" is whatever she believes she wants in a man, contrary to whether this is grounded in reality.

As such, her views always run through this filter. She cannot relate to you, in much the way a child cannot its parents. This is her limitation.
A parent would not get parenting advice from a child, because the child would say a good parent is one that lets them eat lots of candy and go to bed late.

Which is absolutely terrible advice.

And who gets the blame when it all goes to shit?

You. Exactly.
This is why it's important not to believe in gender equality.

Because the moment you stop viewing her as an equal, is the moment you remove her power to mislead you through instruction - which is not her role. Something both the bible and quran in their mighty wisdom attest to.
This one root belief in gender equality spawns so many dysfunctional behaviors. Because in removing all hierarchy between leader and follower, governing and governed, you have the collapse of order from which nothing can flourish.

Someone has to lead. And that is a man's burden.
People often wrongfully assume not being equal means there is mistreatment of the lesser party, and to that I say, do you mistreat your children? You certainly view them as beneath you, perhaps even annoying, but do you hate them? No. You care for them.

Same applies with women.
I have said these things many times. But they can never be said enough times.

My views are unpopular in the time and place in which I live, but I wholeheartedly stand behind them, and am as such willing to take the flak necessary to continue to share them with fellow thinkers.
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