I now implore any one young enough to learn a different language and move abroad if you want to see retirement in your lifetime in the UK the government stole our pension pot no charges brought, in the UK your company can steal your private pension pot and no charges brought.
Your Union can take your membership and act on their own to work against your well being by voting against what is best for you, a political party can take your membership fee month after month and act against your best interest s no charges brought the establishment taking itall
The only ones that are beneficiaries in all this are Billionaires millionaires and corporations they all have their taxes lowered or pay no tax at all in the UK due to offshore accounts, yours go up to try and fill the gap of hundreds of Billions in lost revenue, Banks bailedout
Big business bailed out and your left carrying the full financial burden of the establishments greed and incompetence or wanton destruction of your life while you have one, if a pandemic arrives those with least give most, those with most take all, this is the state of UK today.
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