Trump's Politically Brilliant Constitutional Play Today 1/2

After President Trump asserted with great conviction that he has the absolute authority to force governors to reopen the economy in States, MSM lost its shit trying to explain he has no such Constitutional authority.
Trump's Politically Brilliant Constitutional Play Today 2/2

Good. Now that we have established that Trump has no Constitutional authority to force governors to reopen the States, what do you think about Trump having the Constitutional authority to lockdown the States?

Sorry, can you say it louder?

Remember when all you journos were braying about Trump being negligent in not locking down all the States, and Trump kept insisting he wanted to leave it up the governors because of a little thing called the Constitution or federalism.

So journos, have you learned your Constitution lesson of the day yet or do you need a remedial class -- you willfully dumb jackasses?

Regardless of whether we are in a state of national emergency or not, Presidential powers are the same for forcing the governors to reopen the economy as they are for forcing the governors to lock down the economy. That is the important and relevant lesson here.

Journos are not totally dumb. They've an agenda. Let us figure out what that might be. They want Trump to have the power to lock down America but have no power to reopen it, as they figure a weak economy improves Democrats' chances of winning, people's lives be damned.
And one by one they will reveal whether they will resist or take the bait. Gov Cuomo is looking to go to court over a hypothetical. :-)
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