Watching Promare for a second time last night really sparked something in me,so here's a thread on why everyone should see this movie at least once,anime fan or not! (1/?) #PROMARE
-Absolutely stunning animation and visuals,especially with their fight scenes! TRIGGER has always been amazing with their animation in other anime like Kill la Kill & Gurren Lagann,and seeing this movie in theaters was like getting flexed on by TRIGGER for nearly two hours. (2/?)
-I fucking love the colors they used in this movie!! Bright neon colors mixed with the visuals gave me heavy Spiderverse flashbacks, and watching it a second time gave me that same feeling! Both of these movies are such an adrenaline rush to watch and it's so awesome. (3/?)
-The characters are all so interesting and go through alot of character development in the movie! There is absolutely no one in this movie I found uninteresting or bland,and even side characters like Lucia & Gueira had something going in the little screentime they had. (4/?)
-Promare really hits close with real life issues such as the oppression of minorities & how they are treated by society. The cave scene is absolutely one of my favorites because of the explanation on how Burnish are treated,& how they are fighting for their freedom. (5/?)
-There arent necessarily "Good guys" or "Bad guys"; It's a very gray area with the Burning Rescue and the Mad Burnish,because both of them are fighting for what they believe in and for the right causes. (6/?)
-There's some very badass mecha fights!! Who doesn't love a good giant robot fight? (7/?)
-This movie is SUPER gay,especially towards the ending! Galo and Lio's bond go way beyond friendship,and this movie is basically just a giant "Enemies to friends to lovers" trope for those who really like that! (No spoilers here,you'll just have to see for yourself!) (8/?)
And that's pretty much the end of this thread! There's so much to like about this movie that I could go on and on about,but it's really great to get to experience it for yourself,whether you just watch it one time or eight!

Anyways,go watch Promare! 🔥🏳🌈
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