i’ve been seeing a lot of my asoiaf mutuals talk about how they want to start watching TWD.

as a former TWD mega-stan (five years in recovery now) i have a few tips i would like to give
-the AMC budget is extremely low
-glen mazara and scott gimple are trash + we hate them
-you MUST like andrea and try to sympathize with beth/lori/other hated female characters. they got so much shit back then that would never fly today. twd fandom drama introduced me to feminism
-if you like comics/books then read the comics and spin-off books
-andrea’s character was ruined solely due to the director/writer’s sexism and her canon character (in the comics) is way different
-please stop watching after season five like i did. you will thank me later
-there are so many inner politics with this fandom that i couldn’t possibly explain everything... if you’re new you‘ll never understand how crazy it is. how many scandals there have been. how much drama has gone on
-like i said andrea is one of my favorite fictional characters of all time and defending her from men on the internet actually changed my life so if you guys could stan her (and laurie holden) and make it trendy again that would be great
-i don’t want to see shane thirst tweets
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