Asia-Pacific EMF Conference
January 26-30, 2004
Organized by WHO, USAF Research Laboratories, Thailand Ministry of Public Health
Right off the bat- did you catch that?
The Air Force Research Laboratory Directed Energy Bioeffects Division/ Radio Frequency Radiation Branch.

Check these caps from a 2013 Wired article.
John A. D'Andrea
Naval Health Research Center
"It is well known that high strength time-varying magnetic fields can have effects on the visual system, nervous system, and can lead to hazardous cardiovascular effects."
United States Air Force Research Laboratory
Biological Effects of Directed Energy
November 2002
Page 25: "Recent work published in the literature suggest low level RF exposure disrupts the blood-brain barrier."
Pgs 44, 45: "Rats exposed to MMW for tens of minutes experience body temperature increases, circulatory collapse, and death."
35Ghz is the frequency used in this particular study; 5G tech will use MMW bands 28Ghz-86Ghz.
Pathophysiological alterations induced by sustained 35-GHz radio-frequency energy heating. 
From the above link;
"Exposure to radio-frequency energy (RFE) of millimeter wavelengths results in a relatively high skin-heating rate, with only a moderate rate of core heating. ->
Yet, prolonged RFE exposure eventuates in severe hypotension and death. In this study, we characterized pathophysiological changes associated with prolonged RFE sufficient to induce hypotension."
Exposure of rats to 35Ghz for 44-80 minutes caused elevations in temperatures, and changes in heart rate, respiratory rate, and blood pressure, with eventual circulatory collapse.
I didn't.
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