@TuckerCarlson I listened with great interest to your program on Fox News tonight. The first few minutes were brilliantly clear and thoughtful. And I agree with both you and your first guest as to the risks to the Nation.

I have a Plan that solves many of the issues you ...
raised. It will also provides the immediate relief the American People, Businesses, US Financial System, the US Treasury, and America as a whole desperately need to restore the Economy.
This Plan does all of this without increasing the Federal Deficit.

But more than that ...
...this Plan provides for the American Future. The Plan is stored as a PDF File at this Link: https://documentcloud.adobe.com/link/review?uri=urn%3Aaaid%3Ascds%3AUS%3A0645fc65-f288-4e10-8e80-085cbe08c491

To address some of the concerns you & your guest expressed, this Plan also will provide the US Treasury with a permanent source of new revenue that will ...
...provide over $1 Trillion Dollars the first year which will not only fully fund the Plan itself, but will also provide Hundreds of Billions of Dollars that can be allocated to other things such as funding the current relief laws already passed.

It does all of this without ...
...raising taxes on anyone. The Plan further provides Hundreds of Billions of Dollars in new disposable income to the American People & Businesses annually for decades to come. It provides a substantial cash grant to the Poorest 30% of American Families, those who are most ...
...fragile and at risk. If fully implemented it will help to solve Homelessness in America utilizing the same finds currently allocated to Subsidized Housing. It will turn Subsidized Tenants into Home Owners.

It provides immediate Liquidity to the US Financial System in an ...
...amount greater than the entire GDP from last year. It does all of this without increasing the unsecured National Debt.

I realize this sounds impossible, that I probably sound crazy. But what if what I offer is true and accurate. Is it not worth a few minutes of your ...
...time to find out. If I am wrong, you or your staff will have wasted a few minutes, if I am right, you will have in your hands a Plan that will resolve not only the immediate Fiscal Crisis but will correct long standing structural issues in America.

The new Revenue Source ...
...for the US Treasury will not only generate over 1 Trillion Dollars in the 1st 12 Months, it will generate almost 3 Trillion Dollars over the 1st 3 Years. If allocated for that purpose the revenue could pay for the entire recent law. It could be allocated to pay the ...
...National Debt and in the 1st 3 Years you could retire over 10% of the current National Debt. Imagine that, we could leave an America to our Children & Grandchildren that is thriving and debt free, in better shape than the Country we inherited from our Parents & GrandParents..
The Plan provides annually growing revenue to the Treasury for as far as the eye can see. The Plan puts the Treasury & the US Financial System on the side of ordinary American Citizens & Businesses for the first time in my Lifetime and I am 69 Years old in 2 days.

So take a ...
...chance spend a few minutes looking this over. The 1st Page of the Plan alone is a series of Tables that illustrate all of the above. The 2nd & 3rd Pages are single Tables that are self-explanatory. The 4th Page is a 1 Page Cover Letter addressed to Mark Meadows, President...
...Trump's new Chief or Staff and my former Congressman that highlights in Bullet Points the Key Elements of the Plan. So in only 4 Pages you can determine whether this is worthwhile or further study.

I will gladly address any questions, comments, suggestions, concerns or ...
...objections you might have. My contact information is embedded in the Linked PDF Documents and below. I am praying that anyone on your staff reading this thread will take a look and bring it to your attention. I pray further you will satisfy yourself with the inherent ...
...logic & intrinsic potential value of the Plan. I pray if you do so you will assist me in getting this in front of President Trump who do to his background in Real Estate Development & Business will instantly understand, appreciate & love this proposed Solution. So as ...
...President Trump would say "What Have You Got To Lose?" wasting a few minutes of your time if I am wrong or helping me, help the President solve this immediate Crisis and more important provide a brighter future for every American. Tucker, you can have the scoop of the ...
...decade and help save America. "What Have You Got To Lose"

Contact Info:
Granville M. Alley
[email protected]
Twitter: @granvillea
237 Tusquittee St.
Hayesville, NC. 28904

Help me help President Trump "Make America Great Again"
You can follow @granvillea.
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