I just unblocked this psycho just so I can quote tweet this fucking insane tweet. The amount of mental gymnastics it takes here to disregard Asian men as somehow not “minority” enough. If there’s one thing that’s unique about me, it’s my race. I will not let anyone erase that. https://twitter.com/itstwinkbitch/status/1249888895149490178
First off, before I even get started, this person is incredibly toxic. He has showed up randomly before to insult people I know on Twitter for absolutely no reasons. He thrives on mocking people and always dragging people thinking it's cute.
To those of you who know me well, I thing I value the most is my race. It's my identity. I am Asian and I am proudly one at that. I don't hide it. I'm not ashamed of it. And I will not let any of you fuckers on this app or in real life erase that identity from me.
I am fucking SICK of any and all of you fuckers coming into my mentions to say that I'm white-washed. That I'm not "Asian enough." My family immigrated here when I was 12. Being an American is just another part of my identity and it sure as hell isn't what I was born as.
When I first moved here, I didn't speak any English. I was bullied and teased for my accent. I had to learn everything from scratch. I had to learn how to make friends. Fuck every single one of you who minimize the struggles I went through.
Does any of you know how many fucking nights I used to cry to myself at night because people were being so mean to me at school and I couldn't defend myself because I didn't speak any English? Does any of you know how many times I tried to kill myself when I was little?
It's easy for some of you to come on this app to tease and insult people because it's something you think is cute. But it's not. Growing up in the Midwest, I was closeted. I made friends with whoever was welcoming to me. And a lot of those friends are white.
I will not apologize to any of you fuckers for any of my friends who I have now who are white. They were there for me when I was suicidal. They were there for me when I was depressed. They were there for me when I needed someone. And none of you who insulted me before were there.
Going back to my race, I AM NOT WHITE. Being Asian is being a minority. I've been discriminated against before, I've been told to speak English only before, I've been shamed for simply existing before. I will not let any of you come on here and disregard any of that.
One thing that a lot of you forget on here is that you don't know my friends the way I know them. Some of them have tweeted out stupid and problematic shit. But so have YOUR friends. Or YOUR family members. How many of you on here have family members who are Trump supporters?
I don't give a fuck what label you give my friends on here. Your opinions only matter to the cancel vultures who prey on this app for the next victim because they find joy in ruining someone's life. Cancel culture is the worst thing to come out of Twitter.
This app gives a lot of you the platform and the power to ruin someone's life for merely going against what you perceive as right or acceptable. But behind these screens, your opinions are nothing. You don't know me. Or my friends. And I sure don't give a fuck about any of you.
To those of you who constantly complain about other groups having no minorities in them, but then to completely disregard my friends for being friend with me because I'm somehow not "minority" enough, I say this to you: FUCK YOU.
These people who I have called my friends were there for me with open arms. They welcomed me into their friendship. I tried to make friends with some of you on here in real life and y'all have been nothing but rude to me. Don't complain to me if you weren't even nice to me.
And let me just say this fact: A lot of you POC gays on here complain about people not being friends with you but you are mean and petty as fuck in real life. You are rude. People don't want to be friends with you not because you're not white. They don't because you're shitty.
How are you going to complain about me being friends with other white people if they're the ones who actually took me on with open arms and love me in real life? I would take a bullet for any of my best friends no matter what race.
And I want to say this loud and clear. NOTHING IS EVER ENOUGH FOR YOU CANCEL VULTURES. If a group of white men have one Asian friend, then the Asian person is a token. If they have one black friend, then it is not enough. You don't give a shit about us with your fake outrage.
At the end of the day, are any of you who insult and drag people online going to be there for me when I need someone? Absolutely fucking not. But I know my best friends will be and your opinions or views of them are IRRELEVANT.
To those of you who are miserable enough to go on this app solely to cancel people just for the fun of it, go to hell. You're not a good person despite how highly you think of yourself. I couldn't give a shit what you or your miserable life.
Also, there isn't a fucking racial quota people have to reach. This isn't fucking Abercrombie & Fitch. It's not about how many friends of certain races you have. It's about how many of those friends CARE about you and are THERE for you when you need them.
The last thing I want to say is that...it's fucking ironic that some of you bitches go on this app and act all social justice warrior about white people but you're the first ones to get in line for the White Man's Whore award. Give me a fucking break.
I may be a dumb bitch. I may be a fucking hoe. But one thing I am not is fake outrage bitch. I will keep it real with you. Don't show up on Twitter with your racial equality bullshit but asking to get pounded by a white man offline. You're not fooling anybody.
Anyways, I'm going to bed because I have a fucking job to work at tomorrow and bills to pay. Remember everyone, if those bitches don't pay your bills, pay those bitches no mind.
You can follow @hello_itsbi.
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