Okay but #krbk au where Kiri and Baku have graduated from UA and are now heroes. Thing is, Bakugo’s now on death row after being framed for a series of murders he did not commit. He swears innocence and Kiri desperately wants to believe him, but the evidence points to Bakugo.
He’d visit Bakugo every Sunday when patrols were over and they’d both go to bed that night just a little more fulfilled. Kiri makes it his mission to prove Bakugo is innocent, but with only a week until his execution date. He searches through every file and skims through every-
-security recording he can find. No new breaks. Kiri begins to unwittingly doubt his initial hunch. After more searching, Bakugo’s execution date arrives and finally a single overlooked detail completely rules out Bakugo’s involvement. (No, I don’t know what. Anime logic)
Bakugo really was as innocent as Kiri had thought. Ten minutes until execution. He rushes down the stairs of his apartment and starts the car, his recovered files next to him in the passenger seat. Nine minutes. Which way was to the prison again? Down the street, and a right?
Eight. He practically speeds down the streets, skidding around corners. Seven. Bakugo is taken out of his cell and walked to his execution chamber. Six. Kiri reaches the bridge. Almost there. Five. Bakugo is strapped to the seat. Four. Kirishima makes some more turns.
Just a bit more road. Three. The toxin is prepared. Two. Kirishima stumbles out of his car with the files in hand and races through the entrance of the building. One minute. After getting some information, he dashes towards his location.

Let’s hope he makes it in time.
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