I think people can consent to fighting/harming each other. That's why football, wrestling, BDSM, etc. are permissible.

I don't endorse most understandings of revolutionary violence, but I think many more actions against state agents count as self-defense than the average person. https://twitter.com/l_u_n_a13/status/1249870445022593026
For instance, I think resisting the compulsion of police, soldiers, prison guards, and border patrol agents is permissible since I don't think they have any just authority.
I also think it's impermissible to own nuclear weapons, so actions taken toward the end of appropriating and destroying those are permissible in my eyes.
I think other tools, infrastructure, and resources involved in the ongoing, systematic violence of police, militaries, prisons, and borders should also be appropriated and/or destroyed too.
The only other sense in which I might count as supporting "revolution" is in my support for "building the new world in the shell of the old."

But for me that looks like mutual aid networks, community defense, wildcat unions, open-source production, and entrepreneurial agorism.
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