Many things suck, so here's that thread of present day Seinfeld ideas you didn't ask for:

-Jerry questions if the woman he's dating, who always wears a mask, is attractive

-George thinks everyone is trying to cough on him

-Puddy has to pick between a high-five and getting sick
-Jerry refuses to call Newman a hero for delivering mail amid the pandemic, so the postal service stops his mail

-Elaine goes on a date with Clay Travis and is saddened to discover he's Clay Travis

-Kramer returns to his bagel job only to go on strike because the store is open
-The movie Speed gives George the idea of using a recording of himself on a loop for Zoom work meetings

-The Van Buren boys return to explain how Van Buren would've handled this better as president

-Peterman tells Elaine the urban mask should go on the cover of the new catalog
-Cousin Timmy seeks revenge against George because he's convinced he's sick because of the double dip

-Kramer hires Jackie Chiles to sue Ticketmaster. Chiles calls their service fees and update to their policy egregious, preposterous, outrageous
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