U have no clue about who “Your president” really is #JesuitCoadjutor 🥱🤣 https://twitter.com/urylle/status/1233941364280352777?s=21 https://twitter.com/mikebravodude/status/1249837480389509122
Donald Attended and graduated from Wharton (Jesuit University) Mr. trump has been infiltrated by an evil military organisation that is serving a secret master (Satan) :))) wake up he’s fooling the masses thinking he’s going against the “Deep State”
He is apart of the deep state!!

Why do u think he posted this clever quote of himself !! Connect the dots!! #HegelianDialectic
Oh yeah one more thing China :) it’s controlled by the same Organization https://twitter.com/urylle/status/1233941364280352777?s=21 https://twitter.com/urylle/status/1233941364280352777
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