HATE Joe? HATE what the Democratic Party "did to Bernie", think Joe Biden is a "hateful 'Corporate Democrat" or a "Neo-Liberal" or "Too old" or "Declining" or anything else . . . DON'T vote for Joe Biden!

BUT . . . pick one of these 30 reasons and vote for THAT!!
1. Vote for Ruth Bader Ginsburg. Justice Ginsburg will be almost 92 at the end of the next Presidential Term. If, God forbid, Notorious RBG retires or leaves The Supreme Court for any reasons in the next 4 years, Donald Trump would fill that seat with
ANOTHER BRETT KAVANAUGH, giving the Court 5 HARD CORE TRUMP SUPPORTERS, a moderate Trump Supporter and only 3 people willing to stand up to Trump. That means the end of Democracy as we know it, the end of environmental regulation of corporations, the end of a woman's right
to choose, likely the end of gay marriage (yes, they can do that), the end of voting rights, and so much more. Joe Biden, like Barack Obama, will appoint someone like Ruth Bader Ginsburg.
2. Vote for Stephen Breyer, who will be 85 at the end of the next Presidential Term. If, God forbid, Breyer retires or leaves SCOTUS for any reasons in the next 4 years, #IQ45 would fill that seat with ANOTHER KAVANAUGH, giving the Court 5 HARD CORE #IQ45 SUPPORTERS,
a moderate IQ45 Supporter and only 3 people willing to stand up to him. That means the end of Democracy as we know it, the end of environmental regulation of corporations, the end of a woman's right to choose, likely the end of gay marriage (yes, they can do that),
the end of voting rights, and so much more. Joe Biden, like Barack Obama, will appoint someone like Stephen Breyer.

3. Vote AGAINST Clarence Thomas. Justice Thomas, the most Conservative Justice in generations, will be 75 at the end of the next Presidential Term.
He has already indicated, on many occasions, that he is getting ready to retire. If he does retire during another #IQ45 term, he will undoubtedly be replaced by another Clarence Thomas, someone likely even more Conservative than Brett Kavanaugh...
and, likely, someone FAR younger. Another Clarence Thomas, entering the Court in his or her 40s, for example, could be on the Court until 2060, or beyond! Biden would replace Thomas with another Progressive vote, likely a deciding vote, for these same 30 or 40 years.
4. Biden's VP won't be Mike Pence

5. Biden's VP could be the tie-breaking 51st vote to REMOVE MCCONNELL as Majority Leader for the next 4 years.

6. Biden's EPA Adm will be someone who believes in climate change
7. Biden's AG will be someone who believes in The Constitution
8. Biden's Energy Sec will be someone who believes in Renewable Energy
9. Biden's Ag Sec will be someone who understands that Monsanto Roundup is poison and believes in Regenerative Agriculture
10. Biden's Labor Sec will be someone, like Robert Reich, who believes in workers.
11. Biden's Sec of State will be someone who will bring us back into The Paris Climate Accords and other international alliances and allow us to rejoin and be respected by the world.
12. Biden's UN Ambassador will be someone who actually wants to work with the rest of the world
13. Biden's HHS Secretary will actually care about insuring people with pre-existing conditions and about massively expanding Obamacare and moving towards Medicare For All,
14. Biden's Homeland Security Sec will NOT separate kids from parents and put them in cages!


15. Biden will sign HR1, "The For The People Act", already passed UNANIMOUSLY by Nancy Pelosi's House of Representatives.
HR1 helps take money out of politics and is the most sweeping Democracy bill in decades.

16. Biden will sign HR3, "The Elijah Cummings Lower Drug Costs Now Act"

17. Biden will sign HR4 "The Voting Rights Advancement Act"

18. Biden will sign HR5, "The Equality Act"
19. Biden will sign HR6, "The American DREAM and Promise Act"

20. Biden will sign HR7 "The Paycheck Fairness Act"

21. Biden will sign HR8 "The Bipartisan Background Checks Act"

22. Biden will sign HR9, "The Climate Action Now Act"

23. Biden will undo the current EO Allowing the Increase of More Methane into The Air via Fracking

24. Biden will undo the current EO repealing clean water regulations that curbed the amount of chemicals and other pollutants allowed
to be put into the country’s rivers, lakes, streams and wetlands.

25. Biden will undo the current EO changing the rules of The Endangered Species Act, removing protections for threatened animals and plants.
26. Biden will undo the current EO keeping coal-powered plants open
longer and giving the Federal Government, not the states, the ability to make these determinations.

27. Biden will undo the current EO allowing auto manufacturers to produce cars with higher emissions automobile emission standards and preventing states from setting their own,
stricter emission standards.

28. Biden will Put a Price of Carbon and to achieve Zero Net Emissions by 2030


29. Biden will appoint potentially hundreds of Progressive Judges to District and Circuit Courts

30. Biden will restore respect for America around the world!
You can follow @RhutaBhayga2.
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