I was talking to some friends about how people in the megaman verse(s) view robot masters🤔
Y'know when you're planning what you're going to type and then bam! it's gone?
That just happened to me-
fuck and it was brilliant too.
It was something about how the common consensus among humans about robot masters and robots in general did effect some of my Wily bot's decisions to stay with Wily.
Like uh, Insect Woman and Abyss Woman decided to stay because they didn't want to be treated and feel like just another object again.
Both Insect and Abyss were given up on pretty damn fast considering.
Insect was almost immediately replaced with Mantis when Dr. Wily took her while Abyss was quite literally left for dead at the bottom of the ocean when the team of researchers lost connection with her.
Insect is kind of bitter that part of her purpose for existing was, in a sense, to be decorative. Like part of her job was to be that pretty tour guide you could just sort of half listen to.
Meanwhile Abyss is upset that, at least from her perspective of events, her crew did the bare minimum to try and get her signal back online before calling it quits five years ago.
What really stung for her was that the crew was nice to her.
So in the span of those years spent in the oceans trenches, her question of "What happened?" became "What did I do wrong?"
Insect is considerably better at hiding her insecurities then Abyss is because holy shit, is Abyss scared to be left behind again and will let that be known.
haha that totally doesn't stem from similar insecurities of the writer haha nope

But dang, now I need to draw Insect and Abyss interacting.
thank u for sticking it out with me through this thread as I ramble off nonsense.
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