
@realDonaldTrump just led the press into yet ANOTHER trap that they couldn't perceive.
He played a video that explained what he'd done, and it made no impression whatsoever.

"Why did you do this?" some sweaty Beta male demanded.
And all the female reporters became screeching witches who remind everyone of thew worst relationships we've had in our lives.

It was masterful.
And FINALLY, Trump purposely didn't remind them that when the president declares a state of national emergency, his power is INDEED total.

He let the press really show its collective butt today.
@VP Pence very cleverly said that under a state of national emergency, the president's powers are "plenary."

Not a single reporter in that room knows what plenary means.

Plenary = unqualified; absolute.
This was the best press conference yet.

Not one of those psychos laid a glove on Trump.

He completely exposed them as bad-faith actors.

The funniest part?
Some other sweaty Beta male said that the press asks difficult questions so that the next president can learn form the missteps of his predecessor.


Just like they did for Obama.
There was a wild-eyed blonde who demanded to know why Trump "didn't do anything" between the time he put travel restrictions of China and the time he issued the nationwide guidelines.

Think how stupid that is.

He put together a task force BEFORE the travel restrictions.
But this same harpy asked why China hasn't faced any consequences yet.

"How do you know they haven't?" Trump answered.

"What are the consequences?"

"You think I'd tell YOU?"

She HATES him, and he's making her dance like a monkey on a stick.
And at THIS point, I will berate Trump's "supporters" for letting the treasonous press influence them.

Every single day, someone asks me about something they read or saw on the news.

Every heard of Tokyo Rose and Lord Haw-Haw?
Tokyo Rose was actually several English-speaking Japanese who broadcast FAKE NEWS on the radio to demoralize American troops.

Lord Haw-Haw was William Joyce, a British citizen who broadcast the same kind of propaganda for the Nazis.
You people are listening to Tokyo Rose and Lord Haw-Haw EVERY SINGLE DAY and believing them.

It's absolutely disgraceful.

You have no excuses for continuing to do this.

It means you have the brain of a chipmunk.
I can't deal with it.

You're letting people who YOU KNOW ARE LIARS influence the way you think.

If I read anything by leftists, it's only to debunk it.


"For the billionth time, no."

"Jeepers, thanks! I needed that!"
Crises bring out your true character.

A lot of people are surprising me with their ability to rise to the occasion.

But MORE people are flopping.

That's why I watch mostly movie reviews and not videos by Trump supporters who lost their balls.
Most people are afraid to stand alone.

I'm not.

I'm with Trump, no matter what. How many times have I TOLD YOU that he does almost everything under the radar?

He admitted it today.

"How do you know China hasn't suffered any consequences?"
The Chinese are SCREWED.

It doesn't matter what their ridiculous military leaders threaten to do. Their armed forces are unable to function.

The Chinese lost 30,000 men dead in THREE WEEKS in the Sino-Vietnamese War of 1979.
The Chinese economy is a basket case, their armed forces are garbage, and our Aegis anti-missile systems have rendered Chinese nukes obsolete.


If you insist of continuing to let Tokyo Rose and Lord Haw-Haw scare you, I don't want to hear from you.
During World War II, our troops listened to propaganda FOR FUN.

It didn't scare them in the least.

If it's still scaring YOU, it means you can't be helped.

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