THREAD: The political significance of Newton's Third Law of Motion ... or how today's press conference once again illustrates how and why we got Trump.
We live in a deeply divided partisan world. One in which the left has mutated news media into a collection of undisguised political operatives. And we have for at least 25 years now.

And yet, until roughly four years ago, all GOP leaders were required to act as gentlemen.
A Democrat Senate leader could accuse Romney, a true gentleman regardless of his politics, of not paying his taxes, a compliant media would hound him on the baseless claim, and Romney wouldn't fight back. Because that wasn't gentlemanly.
The media could befriend John McCain for years until he was the GOP POTUS nominee. Then they hit him with baseless stories about him cheating on his wife. He didn't fight back either, because that wasn't gentlemanly.

Of course those stories were promptly forgotten, and
McCain once again became the media's favorite Republican ... after he was no longer a threat to be elected to the country's highest office.

Then there was the Bushes. Regardless of what you feel about their politics/decisions, they were gentlemen too.
No matter the charges against them, they refused to fight back. Even when the military may have found Saddam's WMD, Bush II chose not to push back on the narrative that "Bush lied, people died." He didn't even bother to acknowledge that nearly every Dem leader voted to go to war.
GOP voters paid close attention. They noticed every single time their standard bearer chose to be a gentleman over being a fighter. They watched closely as every year, despite GOP leaders not having the stomach to fight for what their base believed, the media became more strident
in its absolute bias.

15 years of choosing not to fight. That's a long time. And that's where Newton's Third Law comes in:

For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction.

And goodness, is Trump ever an opposite reaction to Bush, McCain and Romney!
You only have to watch today's presser to witness the eagerness of the GOP, led by Trump, to fight back against a continuing list of deranged media narratives.

Has any POTUS ever run a series of media clips for the media exposing their latest lies?

No, of course they haven't.
No recent Democrat POTUS has had to push back too hard against media derangement. And no recent GOP POTUS had the balls to take them on, head on.

This is why Trump continues to enjoy sky-high approval from GOP voters. He *IS* the equal and opposite reaction.
What few, if any, forever-anti-Trumpers don't get is that Trump isn't here primarily to oppose the Democrats. They have their beliefs, they are honest about their beliefs, and they are elected by people who share those beliefs.
He's here to oppose the unelected P.R. division of the Democat party, the one that owns the daily political messaging and that still claims to be objective despite hourly proof that they aren't.

If today's presser didn't prove that, nothing ever will.
What does this mean, politically?

It means, if the forever-never-Trumpers REALLY wanted to defeat Trump, the best first step would be to eliminate their obscene lack of objectivity:
If Trump had nothing outrageously dishonest to counter, most of his supporters would lose interest.

Sadly, those in the media who are always-never-Trump are too far in. Asking them to start thinking objectively would be like asking a deeply religious person to give up their god.
That's another reason I believe Trump has a very real edge against Biden, or whomever he runs against.

There are MUCH bigger issues than politics. And, for so, so many, Trump is the antidote to some of those terribly concerning, constantly growing issues.
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