Hopefully, a pandemic--for which the United States government was utterly unprepared--will eventually radicalize Democrats who spent the past several years pointing to how much worse Republicans were.

I don't expect this conversion to happen all at once, but it must happen.
As I've said over the past month, of course Trump has been very bad in responding to the pandemic, but it wasn't just him.

It was Bill Clinton. It was Bush 43. It was Obama.

20 years of policy choices put us in a position of widespread unpreparedness, chiefly re: supply chains.
I totally understand the focus among moderate Democrats to get Trump out of office. No explanation needed... but that can't mean leveraging every political debate in ways which ignore or push away the Democratic Party's *profound, decades-long* participation in bad policy choices
If you, as a moderate Democrat, are truly serious about changing the way this country operates -- such that it is prepared for the next pandemic or global crisis -- you will eviscerate establishment D party leaders, not just Trump, because a LOT of people brought us to this mess.
Obama policy prevented us from getting more ventilators.

The innards of our governmental workings haven't improved under Trump, but they were already bad when Trump took office.

Decades of policy choices on supply chains and making stuff here, not China https://www.nytimes.com/2020/03/29/business/coronavirus-us-ventilator-shortage.html
Decades of neoliberalism rotted our systems from the inside, reducing flexibility+concentrating power in fewer hands.

This is a 2-party problem. Pretending it's a 1-party problem is not only unserious, but a manifestation of the lack of self-criticism which leads to social decay
Pointing to how bad the other side is -- as sufficient reason to promote your side -- is, by definition, "lesser evilism," not a positive vision of social improvement.

It is quite literally emphasizing a smaller amount of harm done, not an added amount of good done.
Until we can be robustly, vigorously critical of our own sides in politics (left, right, center, up, down, sideways, horizontal, vertical, diagonal), our country will remain unprepared for disasters, because if you can't be self-critical, you're not a grownup.

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