
If youre a #VoteBlueNoMatterWho person, and follow me, this thread is for you.

I do not supprt Joe Biden. I will not likely vote for Joe Biden. If this bothers you, you should unfollow me

I respect your vote. I wont talk you out of it unless you ask. Respect mine. 1/?
We agree on at least one thing. Trump is absolutely Trump. A stain on the country. He absolutely should be gone.

In 2016, I voted for Hillary. She was clearly the lesser of two evils. It was a solid argument to vote for her. With one caveat: that the Dem party learn.

The argument for Joe being the lesser evil carries much less weight.

Trump and Biden are similar evils. And very little argument works in the contrary.

Biden is very nearly as loathsome as Trump in almost every way.

Youre asking me to stoop to near Trump level evil

Lets start with the main arguments im hearing:

"The Supreme Court!"

Justic Scalia. Thomas, and Anita Hill would like a word.

Biden's treament of Anita Hill alone, should disqualify this argument. Approving multiple conservative justices should nail it shut.

Using the Supreme Court is a cheap tactic. Even Buttigieg was vetter in this regard. I HATE Pete, but he was infinitely better a candidate than Joe.

The court is already lost. Democrats losing made that happen.

If you wanted us to take the SC seriously, YOU should have.


If you're asking me to be concerned with the rights of multiple underprivileged groups, try not demanding I vote for a candidate that has a long poisonous history of mistreatment of Litterally ALL those groups, while we fought for justice FOR ALL. You arent

Lets start with the biggest:

Joe Biden was recently accused of rape. The same people I saw crying about Brett Kavanaugh for months, suddenly are using the same tactics the GOP used against Blasey Ford, for Tara

Joe Biden helped lie us into a nearly 20 year long war that has murders several hundred thousand innocent civilians in Iraq. This should be absolutely disqualifying.

America doesnt care about innocent lives. Democrats included.
You think we're voting in a "democratic primary" here?

The DNC and party elites would have stopped at nothing to destroy Bernie's chances. Changing rules, a crappy Iowa "app" created and funded by questionable means..

Thread to use superdelegates, a contested convention, the party forcing multiple moderate candidates out to coalesce behind Biden, using a literal pandemic, etc, instead of just letting the process play out.

Thats not democracy. Why even have a fucking primary?

To the media-

The coverage of this pri.ary was light years worse against Bernie. The Washington Post alone would churn out article after article against Bernie. Literal hit pieces. Every single day.

Why? Its owned by Jeff Bezos. Bezos fuckin HATES Bernie.

And lastly- to the voters.

Bernie Sanders supporters were smeared left and right. Painted as the worst. Basically Trump supporters. Because we dared to try to keep the record straight in a climate of massive negativity and disinformation against Bernie.

I never ONCE saw an overly abusive Bernie supporter that at tge very least wasnt dog-piled by the majority of Berners to protect even the people we fucking HATE, (IE Zerlina Maxwell) or that dude that ranted about "low information voters"

So if you wanna know why I dont support Joe, and will actively campaign against him?

Its because yall have given me no better moral choice. I BELIEVE in Medicare 4 All. I BELIEVE in a future for my kids. I BELIEVE in relea3non-violent drug offenders and ending the wars.

Biden believes in none of these things. The most important things to me. Policies the rest of the modern world has gotten right.

What I DONT believe in, is this party. Its voters. The establishment party and media elites. The donors. For profit healthcare fat cats.

Ill show up for down-ticket of course. But as of now, the @GreenPartyUS has my vote. Wanna know why? Read this thread.

The inly way I vote for @JoeBiden is if he moves left and convinces me. Medicare 4 all, bare minimum.

And lastly- Progressives:

This party will NEVER take you seriously if you keep doing "the right thing" by supporting them any further. They dont care about you.

The never will, until you show them yoy mean business
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