1/ I am going to preface this thread with the clarification that I am firmly on the fence in my opinion of whether the Q operation is doing good things for humanity or is meant as a way to pacify patriots as the NWO is implemented. I see strong merits to both sides of the debate.
2/ I fully expect that this thread will get me unfollowed or blocked/muted by people on both sides. I have strongly pro-Q followers and strongly anti-Q followers. I feel a need to speak MY truth, regardless of the consequences.

Question Everything AND Think for Yourself
3/ On to the main topic of this thread. I genuinely do not care if anyone believes that @AustinSteinbart is who he claims to be. However, those who refuse to examine the evidence are doing themselves a disservice. I'm not yet fully convinced either way.

Message over Messenger
4/ I do think that people on both sides of the Q debate should be willing to listen to what @AustinSteinbart has to say for 5 minutes of this interview starting at 1:09:54, where I have linked.
5/ Assume that Q is actually doing good things for humanity. What do you think is going to happen to all of the criminals that have been incarcerated due to FBI investigations if the FBI is exposed as having been highly corrupt for its entire existence?
6/ @AustinSteinbart's explanation for what is really going on with the tons of sealed indictments makes a lot of sense, if you just take the time to listen and think about it for yourself.

@AriasViewpoint @RThankq @AaronHoughton10 @Michael_Rae @KewNadian @TS_SCI_MAJIC12
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