TW//slurs,death threats,drugs
so my friend on Instagram decided to say that he didn't really like brendon that much and it wasn't even in a mean way he just decided to say this and that's okay but some panic fan decided to dm him and start harassing him and calling him names
my friend has decided to let me use his screenshots of what happened and i will not be giving any @'s
this is after he posted the messages
@brendonurie im sure you dont want your fans acting like this and im sure other panic stans dont want this happening either id just like you to see this maybe this will help end this stupid fucking feud between mcr stans and panic stans and im not just saying this is one-
-sided because a lot of mcr stans have said fucked up shit too like threatening people and telling people to kill themselves @FrankIero @MCRofficial @raytoro @mikeyway @gerardway i feel like this should be seen and brought to both MCR and Brendons attention so they can try-
-and end this dumb shit im aware they arent gods and cant change people but fans like this tend to listen to their idols and do anything they say
by the way my friend is okay right now for anyone who wanted to know
also some parts got cut out in the screenshots so here's this 1st one is the end of the first conversation second one is the beginning
the person who said all this is also super transphobic
just saying this thread is in no way hating on panic stans its hating on people like this and the stupid "emo feud" that's going on like your music and leave others alone theirs no reason to fight about it and stop hating on other peoples favorite artists and expect others to-
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