THREAD: I’ve not said much about the #LabourLeaks (mainly because I’m helping get supplies for a Food Hub in Tottenham).

Firstly, it doesn’t make me want to leave the party, on the contrary, in the words of Bernie Grant, ‘Im here to stay’.
Secondly, a lot of what’s said in the report comes as no surprise. Tottenham CLP was ahead of its time, becoming ‘left’ before Corbyn became Leader... and what an eye-opener that was.

Dirty tricks, bias, double standards. Totally frustrating when you just wanted to help people.
I, myself, blocked 3 times from standing to be a Councillor. Dossiers of information collected on me. Checks on where I lived (they had my family’s address in another borough - note, that’s not a question on the application form!)

Rumours spread I was a member of the Lib Dems..
All I did was stand to be Secretary... you know, take the minutes and give 20hrs a week of my time.

Throughout my 6 years I came across some nasty behaviour, emails correcting my spelling to full on threats screamed at me in the street whilst canvassing by another member.
Let’s not even start with what happened when I ran for the CAC... National ‘Journalists’ hounding me, one called me 22 times in 8 hours whilst I was at work... Obsessive.

Where did they get my number? It’s not on the party membership file.
I was not surprised, by any of it. Politics is a dirty game.

Ultimately we do what we do to obtain power and deliver our vision of society.

That’s what surprised me about the report, absolutely no purpose to what they done. Just sad little people adding drama to their lives..
That’s what is so deeply sad. These people so pitiful they gained pleasure in a Black woman crying in the toilets, or a young member having mental health.

Imagine being that damaged? Think about how they felt nothing but hate? It’s tragic. I never want to be that ... sad.
So for those you angry you spent hours, days, weeks, months or years fighting for a Labour govt - don’t.

You did so because you weren’t bitter or twisted, because you had care for others and want a better world.

That makes you something they’ll never be or can’t be.
I understand you’re angry, you’re and frustrated - but don’t be.

Your instincts were right. You were not naive. But most of all you did not lose your desire for a better society.

But your work isn’t finished yet, they wanted to stop you - don’t let them. Stay until the end.
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