1. Both Abraham Lincoln and Jefferson Davis were racists yet black folks rallied behind Lincoln because he would improve their present conditions. Both Richard Nixon and John F Kennedy were racists but black folks rallied around JFK because they knew he was the one who would be
2. Most likely to improve their conditions. I'm sorry to tell y'all this but this country hasn't ever been anything but a choice between the lesser of two evils (and yes I'm including Bernie, who I voted for I'm both primaries in this) but we have only seen progress when we
3 picked the event that we could deal with as opposed to saying fuck it, I don't care if we have the worst option because both choices are terrible. Like, it doesn't work that way, at least not if you want progress, which yes may suck because it would be incremental but it's
4 literally better than choosing the choice that will set you back by 20 years via breaking down checks on the executive and changing the judiciary for a generation. Now I'm not going to get anyone to vote for Biden, vote for who you want, but let's not act like choosing the
5. choice that is the worst by every standard is going to help obtain the actual progressive policy that we all want to see in the future.

*steps off of soapbox*
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