I think (?) that pretty much everyone would agree that under certain circumstances you vote for the lesser evil.

Biden or literally Hitler? hopefully most people would say, yes, we should vote for Biden.
(if people would say, "no, we should not vote for Biden over Hitler"—I don't really have any common ground with people who would say that, and don't want to talk to them, so...)
I think you should vote for Biden over Mussolini also. or over Stalin. (some people are going to be upset at that, but I'm okay with that.)
some people obviously don't think Trump is that kind of limit case. I think that's really wrong. I think his second term, when he feels like he can do anything and face no electoral consequences, would be exponentially more nightmarish than the first.
I think he's been constrained by our institutions to some degree. I wouldn't count on that lasting forever. It's not hard for me to imagine ICE setting up firing squads under Trump.
I would ask people to think about who you'd bote against even with Biden running (Joe McCarthy? Henry Kissinger?) and then think at least briefly about whether Trump is actually better than that person.
because I don't think Trump is better than even most horrific people, and I think there are easily imaginable circumstances (like a successful reelection) in which he could become much, much worse.
again, if you can't imagine Trump ordering the murders of large numbers of undocumented immigrants in the US, I don't think you understand him or his movement at all.
if you don't think Trump would find a way to arrest and murder journalists who criticize him in a second term...again, I think you're way more confident of US institutions than I am.
arrests of trans people are a definite possibility. efforts to strip citizenship from prisoners en masse.
there's just a lot of scary shit that is very much in line with Trump's goals and desires that we haven't quite gotten to thanks in large part to resistance from institutions and the public.
things can get much worse and in a second term they will.
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