this criticism on "culture of negativity" doesn't sit well with me for obvious reasons. these types of takes lump all not-positive viewpoints together and disregards concerns of sexism, racism, and other legitimate criticisms of TROS as being simply "negative." overgeneralized 🗑️
there's one example used of bad fan behavior. everything else is hearsay.

a lot of us don't ~hate~ TROS just because it's a bad movie, we ~HATE~ it because of how it disrespects specific fans, tries to "fix" the previous film, and mishandles all character arcs and messaging
god, the more i look at this piece, the more angry i am. this guy really lumped allllllll fan negativity together. the whole "i don't like ahsoka but i don't say bad things about filoni"... like are you for real? are you aware a lot of us have creators blocked???
"positive engagement" versus "negative engagement" is just an inch of the surface level of the fandom. there is actually room for nuance here, people just choose to see the black and white so they can be a "positive fan."

...ironic that this could be a meta analysis on the ST
btw, the ONLY reason I took any of my time to read this is because it was on my tl because someone I follow liked it and I clicked on the page and a TON of my moots follow the page. now I've been informed that this Hoey guy despises reylos so... just a forewarning
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