Since none of yall had the cojones to answer the question about why some women struggle with accountability (in relationships), I figure I might as well say my piece. Keep it respectful if you disagree
Since the rise of feminism, women have often let one thing get lost in the shuffle: Women having EQUAL rights does not need to equate to men being inferior. Pursue your equal rights, but bashing men is a whole separate thing. (see radical feminism)
But the bashing includes “men are trash”. And while some women say that as a joke, it does not mean that there actually isn’t some of that rhetoric in other women. This idea has made it difficult for a man to advise or express a concern he has w/ his partner.
And has created a taboo around a man speaking up against your disrespectful actions, mistakes, or issues he is having with you.
One manifestation of that belief: “You’re a man so you have no right to say ABC about me” regardless of your actions actually being wrong.
In addition to that, nobody wants to be wrong anymore. Why? Often, people have subconsciously tied being wrong to a perception of lower value to themselves and/or others.
Man: “You did ABC and I feel ABC”, tends to lead to the woman feeling
A) guilty because of her action or
B) defensive due to being confronted by the man (secondary to the factors i mentioned earlier and after this).
Now if her being told she is wrong leads to her feeling guilty, that leads to the perception of lowering/losing value, and she fears being left or treated more poorly than someone with high value.
Or if she is defensive, this is sometimes because women tend to already be less secure in relationships than men and being confronted by a man heightens that insecure feeling which creates a defensive response.
Now finally for the reasons that women do not like to hear about their issues from men is their support systems and men around them may not always be doing right by them (by actually being trash or by allowing the bad behavior to go unchecked). As we all know,
even in childhood, if you allow a behavior to go unchecked it will continue.

If you would like ways to solve the problem, I’ll post those later.
(Disclaimer, not justifying any of these b/c none of them are healthy in a relationship. it’s just helpful to understand them)
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