oh boy let’s get it gang
i’ve been a bts stan since september 2015 and a twoset stan since october 2019
i’m a filipina from the u.s.
some of my hobbies include singing, songwriting, taking pictures/videos, editing, doing calligraphy, etc.
i’m in year 1 of the IB program :))))
i love coffee and bubble tea very much & it’s really not healthy but 🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️
i LOVE being in the city & i either want to live in nyc or chicago when i’m older
i’m shOrt for a high schooler (4’11.5” or about 151 cm)
tori kelly is the reason why i got motivated to pick up the guitar again (i stopped for a while) but also start writing songs when i was 11
i’m an only child
the only countries i’ve visited are canada and the philippines (& japan but for layovers LMAO)
i want a corgi bc they’re so cute but also i don’t think i’m responsible enough to take care of a dog
i am a Sucker for cute tiny plushies that i can hold
i used to do dance for 5 years
i pour the cereal before the milk as one should
y’all are gonna hate me but,,,, i actually really like pineapples on pizza 🥴
a lot of my friends from the US call me trina, but my friends from asia and family from the philippines call me cat

i'm okay with both but tbh i like cat more lmao
i've watched nearly every tagalog movie on netflix
my first twoset video was "sightreading violin duets impossible challenge", and my choir teacher was the one that showed it to our class
my first bts video was "DOPE", and it was because of a finebros reacting to kpop video LOL
i love minimalist photos and the minimalist aesthetic
i dropped out of school..... preschool
i'm really proud to be filipina, and asian representation/diversity are really important issues to me
You can follow @haiitstrina.
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