frank should relax and yall have to learn. You know he checks indirects the whole FUCKING time. There's always a reason he blocks some of you. Censor his name, or Gerard's name. But dear Frank Iero, if you block someone, with NO reason, what is your goddamn problem then?
No, im not afraid to affront him.
Because if theres no reason to block someone, then why would you? I understand there was reasons for block Ash and SB, but there's other people that havent say anything to him, or mentioned Frerard, literally they havent mess with you, and you block them. Wtf then mate?
Fuck it, @FrankIero , man, if you really have no reasons, that's bullshit. Literally people who cares and loves you, but you dgaf and block them. My god, Frank.
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