I could probably write a whole essay on the Misha = Dan, Jensen = Noah, Jared = Emily subject. Just in general, not just this gif. https://twitter.com/aShipOntheWave/status/1249801658571337730
You know what, I'm gonna do it.
Misha / Dan
"Changing the narrative"

Both live strongly by the "be the change you want to see in the world" mantra. They are truly men of their words and they lead by setting an example.
They don't ask people to change the world, they show us how to do it.
The projects they have created have changed lives for the better.

Imagine Dan and Misha doing a "Change the narrative" round table discussion.

Also, they should play husbands on TV.
Jensen / Noah
"Vulnerability and music"

The music connection is obvious. Both are talented musicians and their shows have either let them find it or let them shine a spotlight on it.
There's a sincerity and a willingness to be vulnerable that Noah brings to Patrick that we don't often see. This is not the leading man we get to see on TV. Ever.
But. It's absolutely the one we need. Jensen puts on his old, grumpy dude act, but we - the lucky ones - get to see the mask slip sometimes, when Jensen is sincere and shares with us. He's willing to be vulnerable with us (sometimes).
Imagine Jensen and Noah doing a "Music and letting yourself be vulnerable" round table discussion.

Also, Jensen should cover Noah's song and they should generally hang our and jam.
Jared / Emily
"Advocating for YOU"

Jared and Emily are both major advocates for self-care, very much including mental self-care, and they are not afraid of using personal examples to lead the way.
Both share in a very honest and personal way. Emily more so on social media than Jared, but I very much understand why that is.
Both will commit to a "bit". I think that they find themselves very funny (they are) and I think they both do comedy just as much for themselves as for us.

Imagine Jared and Emily doing a "Self-care" roundtable discussion.

Also, they should do lives together constantly.
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