Frikey au: Gerard is from a small town but moved to the city to pursue art. He ends up having a close friend group, including his best friend frankie. For easter gerard goes back home & asks if frankie wants to come with, he says yes because he wants to see where this weirdo -c-
-c- grew up. They roll up to gerards parents house where his little brother mikey still lives. The garage door is open and frank can see someone inside. Gerard hops out of his car and goes straight inside the garage to hug his brother and frank follows. The garage is covered -c-
-c- floor to ceiling in elaborate taxidermy pieces. Frank immediately gets sketched out, but gerard introduces him to mikey and the taller man is just a beam of light when he smiles. Frank is instantly smitten. They all go into the big backyard where people are already -c-
-c- gathered for easter; gerard makes a b line to go hug his parents as frankie surveys the scene. There are probably about 40 people here, and 10 or 15 of them were little kids running around in fancy outfits covered in dirt already. He smiles at that, and waves to a little -c-
-c- girl who is staring at him from the grass. She runs up and hands him two crowns, one for him and one for mikey who is still standing next to him. Frankie says thank you and takes them, putting one on and offering mikey one who sticks it on top of his hat. -c-
-c- gerard comes back over and tells them hes going to go inside for a bit to helps his mom with something and asks mikey to take care of frankie while hes gone. Frankie tries to hide his smile at the idea of hanging out one in one with this tall handsome guy but gerard -c-
-c- knows him well enough to read his face immediately. He looks at the two of them and reminds them that its easter and they're here to celebrate jesus. Frankie is blushing so hard he has to cover his face with one of his hands and turn away, but mikey seems oblivious to the -c-
-c- whole situation. Before he leaves, gerard asks where they got their crowns and runs over to ask the little girl for one before returning to his mom and going inside the house.

Mikey looks down at frank and smiles, "you ever shoot a gun?"
-c- "hunting. You ever shoot a gun?"
"Oh, yeah, gerard said you were into that. No, I havent."
"Here, lets go into the woods and I'll show you!"
Frank really wasnt into hunting at all but he was definitely into being alone with mikey. He follows mikey into the garage as -c-
-c- mikey unlocks his gun safe and starts collecting everything he needs. Frank asks if mikey hunts all the animals in the garage.
"Some of them! Hunting is my hobby, but taxidermy is my career. Some of these are for customers, some of the furs I bought to make stuff -c-
-c- for myself. Like... this bobcat, hes not local so I bought him. His name is joey."
"Hi joey"
Mikey giggles at that, and motions for frankie to follow him around the garage into the woods. When they get there mikey shows him all the parts of the gun while frank zones out -c-
-c- staring at his hands. They're nice hands. Mikey again doesnt notice, "okay, you ready to go shoot some rabbits?"
"Rabbit? Dude that's fucked up, its easter"
"Yeah, that's why it's so funny"
"I do love your commitment to the joke but I really cant"
Mikey sighs but smiles -c-
-c- "okay we can just shoot cans, come on, I got a place"
Frankie follows him into a small clearing where some cans are already lined up with many more scattered on the ground. Mikey tries to hand him the gun but frankie declines, "sorry I didnt actually pay attention -c-
-c- when you were telling me how to use it"
"Oh... you looked like you were concentrating really hard, though"
"Yeah I was."
Mikey stares blankly.
"At your hands. I was staring at your hands"
"My hands? What's wrong with my hands?"
"Nothing, they're good hands. Nice hands" -c-
-c- "oh, thank you! I dont know if anyones ever said that to me"
"Yeah, uh... well all of you is nice, like, to look at."
"'re good looking too! Hey will you hold my crown while I shoot, it keeps sliding down, its a safety hazard."
Frankie nods and puts mikeys -c-
-c- crown around his neck. He sits on a log and watches mikey shoot cans, wondering if mikey even realized he was trying to hit on him. Mikey keeps looking back at frankie with quick smiles whenever he hits a can, which was almost all of them. Frankie cant believe how -c-
-c- endearing this guy is. Mikey runs and lines up another set of cans and motions for frank to stand up, "here, I'll show you how to shoot again, it's fun" he hands frankie the gun and wraps an arm around him to position his hands correctly. Frankie tells mikey hes -c-
-c- to nervous right now and doesnt feel like it would be safe to shoot anything right now while hes so distracted. Mikey nods and removes the gun from Frankie's hands but makes no move to remove himself from frankie, instead he leans in and kisses him. Frank just about -c-
-c- vibrates out of his body and mikey laughs aslt him softly when he leans back and looks at Frankie's expression. Mikey steps back and says they should probably head back to the house soon but frankie slyly suggests they could just stay in the woods and make out for a while -c-
-c- instead.

About 20 minutes later they hear gerard calling for them from the yard, and they scamper out of the woods together. Gerard can tell what happened instantly but just rolls his eyes and tells them to help him hide the eggs for the egg hunt.

After Easter frankie-c-
-c- gives mikey his number and they text often. Soon they end up visiting each other every other weekend and dating. Gerard is just excited to see more of his brother now and see them both so happy.
@pisstaken come get ya food
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