We need primary care but haven’t paid for what we value. PC practices have been underfunded for decades, while other countries invest heavily in primary care with lower costs and better health outcomes. The #COVID19 crisis just reinforces why primary care is an urgent priority.
This moment comes with opportunities, and it's long past time to scale up telehealth and digital technologies to expand access and workforce capacity. #COVID19 should mark a “new normal,” and we now need to develop consistent coverage and payment policies for telehealth.
Each state’s public & private purchasers should commit to supporting advanced #primarycare that integrates behavioral health and telehealth. This team-based approach has been shown to improve patient experience and quality outcomes while reducing the cost of care. It’s a win-win.
Between competing measure sets, payment models, authorization requirements and paperwork, our care teams are burning out and wasting time & money. #Primarycare providers should have the flexibility to manage patients without the administrative burden of fee-for-service payment.
The U.S. emphasis on specialty & hospital-based care has increased health care costs and likely left the nation more vulnerable in pandemics. A #primarycare infrastructure with increased payments can support the underlying health of the population and mitigate adverse impact. END
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