Reviving the Forgotten/Neglected Prophetic Sunnan


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-1 Using Siwak/Miswak

Prophet ﷺ said:

“Were I not afraid that it would be hard on my followers, I would order them to use the siwak.” [al-Bukhari]
-2 Praying 4 Raka’at Nawafil/optional prayer before ‘Asr
-3 Reciting Surah Sajdah and Mulk before sleeping
-4 Reciting Surah Zumar and Isra before sleeping
-5 Sleeping in a state of wudhu
-6 Some important authentic duas before going to sleep
Here’s the Arabic format:
-7 Reciting three quls, ayatul kursi and the last two verses of suratul baqarah before sleeping
-8 Reciting Suratul Kafiroon before sleeping to stay safe from shirk
-9 Prophetic Etiquette of waking up

-wiping face with hands
-using siwak
-Reciting this dua
-10 Prophetic Etiquette of using the toilet

-reciting the dua before entering and entering with left leg
-covering your head before entering the toilet
-*sitting and urinating*
-washing in odd numbers
-using the left hand
-avoiding facing the Qibla
11- Prophetic Etiquette of Eating

The Prophet’s guidance with regard to food is perfect guidance. It was described as follows:

-Saying Bismillah before eating
-Eating from what is front and near
-*Never Criticize food*
-Eating one third of ones capacity
Some great lessons we derive about the benevolent nature of our Prophet ﷺ from this hadith ☺️❤️
-Also avoiding unnecessary overeating is an eminent part of his sunnah, the sunnah infact encourages under-eating.
-12 Praying the 12 Rak’at sunnan everyday.
-13 Praying Salatul Duha/Ishraaq everyday.(Time is from after sunrise till minutes before Duhr)
-14 Fasting 3 days every month.
Dominant opinion is that it is the 13th, 14th and 15th of every Islamic month.
-15 Fasting Monday and Thursday of every week.
-16 Praying 2 units before magrib
17- Praying 2 units between Azan and Iqamah of every prayer
18- Reciting the azkaar of morning and evening-a gateway of Barakah.
A highly recommended and important practice but unfortunately not many adhere to it.
PDF of all Azkaar-pg 10 onwards for the above.
19- Reciting Ayatul Kursi and 3 quls after every fardh salah.
21- Completing a Qur’an atleast every month.(Khatma)
Most Muslims do not recite the Quran other than in Ramadan, while reciting in Ramadan is good but the Prophetic command is to recite it every 40 days atleast. A very important yet forgotten sunnah.
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