I understand people wanting money to the point where they can live comfortably without worrying about where their next paycheck is coming from but to be a billionaire...why would you want that
And y’all get on here and defend millionaires and billionaires every day for FREE because you think you’ll make that money one day too??? Or because they “worked hard to get where they are”??? How hard is it to exploit the labor of the financially vulnerable? Answer quickly.
I literally sit here and watch every one of you bootlicking niggas cape for the wealthy every time they make a headline while you don’t even have an income of $20,000 for yourself. You’re in debt because of the people you’re defending but you’ll get there one day right? Ok.
Jeff Bezos makes more money than you’ll ever see in your life while his workers barely get humane treatment but y’all talmbout some “ethical billionaire” yeah ok go to hell
Complete the sentence: I need a billion dollars because __________
How do you even rationalize hoarding wealth in excess while people are dying because they don’t have access to basic necessities...but it’s ok because you have a fast car and designer clothes right??? Ok
Point is I’m disappointed in the lack of intelligence displayed by everyone who idolizes the concept of hoarding wealth while eating up the pipe dreams that capitalism be selling y’all
And please don’t come into my mentions tryna defend your case because (1) it just proves you don’t understand how much $1b is and (2) I’d prefer if you just outright said “I’m a slave to the system” instead of wasting my time
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