This morning a Labour MP on BBC radio 4 was asked to present the party idea for an exit strategy from lockdown

Her response was, repeatedly, "we're here to demand what the govt exit strategy is"

In the context of already feeling angry with the Labour party today, this got me really frustrated

Here is a chance to model leadership. Present your ideas. Why would anyone vote for a party that doesn't know what it stands FOR

The MP could've prepped & said "this is what we need & this is how we're gonna help make it happen"

The Labour party need to start displaying leadership for people to actually believe they CAN lead

You don't get votes for just being against something

I'm frustrated too because it was a missed opportunity. Healthcare professionals are being forced into the media because of a failure of our politicians to advocate on our & our patients' behalf

If you're on the Today Programme: 1) Prep 2) Demand 3) Lead

So many people have voted for you. Don't waste this opportunity; step up and be a proper advocate and actually make a change at a time we need it most

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