The Kinsey Syndrome is a powerful documentary that unfolds the life and influence of Dr. Alfred Kinsey (father of the sexual revolution) whose data laid the foundation for sex education -- training others in human sexuality.
The "experts" lie about the data.
They manipulate data to give false impressions. 2:31:

Although 58,200 children are abducted by non-family perpetrators (1999), the DOJ reports only "115 … [are] stereotypical kidnappings" (held for ransom or transported >50miles).
Kinsey's results were biased due to his opinion that all are sexual from birth.

Misrepresentation by the Kinsey Institute over the last 60 years:
- Most troubling is Kinsey’s sanctioning and concealment of child sexual abuse - as young as two months old.
Dr Judith Reisman ~ #HeroSilenced #ExposedKinsey

scientific consultant to four U.S. Department of Justice administrations, the U.S. Department of Education, and the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services 
The Kinsey Institute - Indiana

- for Research in Sex, Gender, and Reproduction

(Are they still taxpayer funded?)

Logo: The Flower of Aphrodite 
Alfred Charles Kinsey -
Supreme Court Justices contribution -
Conditioning the public -- Kinsey's effect is equivalent to that of an atomic bomb on our society

This perverted thinking has made its way into every aspect of our lives.

"We as a society better start addressing that." (vid above)
NCMEC thread
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