spring is coming, love is in the air
but for me allergen is in the air :)
I'll change my diet to food for allergies and food for skin 😛
What will I eat?
1. Food that rich in quercetins (reduce histamines reaction). Ex : onions, berries
2. Food that rich in vit C (cuts down histamines). Ex: orange, kiwi, guava, mango, lemon
3. Pinapple, I need the bromelain to reduce the irritation
4. Food that rich in omega fatty acid (especially omega3). it reduces the inflammation. Ex: salmon, mackarel, herring.

5. probiotics, good bacteria that will help to regulate body's immune response ex: kefir, fermented food like kimchi, youghurt, yakult, sauerkraut
bonus for people who are allergic to pollen (like me :) )

6. Local Honey -> improves your tolerance towards local pollens

-end of thread-
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