stan twitter advocating for woke points and put every celeb on a 'problematic' scale to decide who to stan and unstan and cancel, and often label them with all the deadly -ist or -phobia based on one quote, one joke, one instance, likely taken out of context most of the time, 1/?
instead of understanding the reality is that human are complex being, there're only few people we truly know in our lives, and so how can you and who are you to judge the celeb who you have 0.01% glimpse of their lives. You don't know personally them, & they're not politician 2/?
they're celebs, most of them are also just civilian human like us who have no power to affect your actual life if you dont let them, it's one thing to actively promote sth inhumane or illegal, it's another when they make a mistake or say sth considered to be inappropriate. 3/?
you can't judge the whole painting based on one paint stroke, whether you like or dislike that paint stroke, that you think it's righteous or a misstep, you're projecting the rest of the painting in your head, and there's no way to confirm what that painting really is. 4/?
the way yall judge them it's like as if you're sinless perfect angel. 'they needed to be called out' for what purpose exactly? because they're not going to see your tweet for one, so you're not calling them out for them to learn, but simply for your own agenda and engagement 5/?
honestly what do you get from holding grudges against someone who you don't even know & don't know you, who can't affect your life long as you don't let them. why do you need to get all the woke approval points before you can stan a celeb, 6/?
and then cancel immediately soon they lose some, do you do this to your friends and fam? and yourself? I don't think so. No painting is perfect because we all have different perspective, with celebs you're merely judging the projection in your head, how's that your business? 7/?
like them? cool. dislike them for some reason? move on. You don't need to make a 'statement', listing all the paint strokes you think it's wrong without the perception of the whole painting, like it's some validation for your woke points counter because it's not. 8/?
canceling a celeb is not activism, it doesn't make you morally superior. If you all abt being woke, you're not changing the world for a better place til you stop treating everything in b&w and start looking at it with understanding, acceptance for differences, mistakes and growth
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