West Coast governors and New York area governors are now coordinating regional responses to containing the virus and reopening businesses. https://twitter.com/kimmaicutler/status/1249777561279717381
Monday afternoon update: Massachusetts has joined the Multi State Council. We now have bipartisanship. https://www.governor.ny.gov/news/massachusetts-joins-new-york-new-jersey-connecticut-pennsylvania-delaware-and-rhode-islands
It all began in Santa Clara County, the largest of six counties in the Bay Area that on March 17 were the first place in the continental U.S. to shut down. (Puerto Rico acted two days earlier). https://www.mercurynews.com/2020/03/29/she-shut-down-the-bay-area-to-slow-the-deadly-coronavirus-none-of-us-really-believed-we-would-do-it/
I don't have a soundcloud but here is a different map from a happier time
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